
Social Media Virtual Assistant Tasks : Checklist

Social media plays a vital role in growing a business online, but constantly feeding your audience with engaging content and being available on all social channels can be a draining task. That is why you’re here looking for a social media virtual assistant who can be a savior for your drowning social media marketing.

We have created a list of tasks that you can delegate to your social media virtual assistant to get the best out of their services. And not just that, in this article, you will learn everything about a social media virtual assistant that you should know before hiring one.

What is a Social Media Virtual Assistant

A Social media virtual assistant is someone who helps you manage and market your business on social media, operating from a remote location. A Social media VA can take on all the time-consuming tasks so that you can pay more attention to the money-generating part of your business.

Moreover, an expert VA can provide you with professional guidance to grow your business by reporting and decoding the crucial stats of your social media accounts.

Tasks a Social Media Virtual Assistant Can Do for You

Here is a list of tasks that a social media virtual assistant can do for you to help your business grow.

  • Updating and maintaining social profiles
  • Crafting attractive social media posts
  • Comment monitoring and engaging
  • Post scheduling
  • Managing and cross-promoting different platforms
  • Trend Research
  • Researching and developing social media content
  • Copywriting for different social platforms
  • Capitalizing trends
  • Campaign management
  • Follow-ups
  • Competitor analysis
  • A/B Testing
  • Tracking and reporting vital social media metrics

These are the regular tasks that everyone who looks to make a name on social media has to do. Let’s see in detail how a social media virtual assistant can help you with these tasks.

Updating And Maintaining Social Profiles

Keeping all your social profiles updated and aligned with your brand is a never-ending process. An efficient virtual assistant can perform a social media audit to manage and maintain your various social profiles.

Crafting Attractive Social Media Posts

People’s attention span is quite short when swiping through their social feed. You only got two seconds to grab the attention of your target audience, but it is more than enough for a social media expert. From fonts to color theories, from infographics to videos, and everything in between, a social media virtual assistant can create it all to uplift your business’ social presence.

Comment Monitoring And Engaging

It is not humanly possible to be active on every social platform all the time, but you know how important it is to engage with your audience. Some VA agencies offer not just one person but an entire team of VAs to look after your different social channels and engage with your target audience.

Post Scheduling

Scheduling posts is highly important for those businesses that work in different time zones. In fact, many experts consider planning a social media calendar a best practice, and a virtual assistant with experience and expertise in social media planning can manage and schedule content on various platforms using the right tools.

Managing And Cross-Promoting Different Platforms

Handling one social account is difficult? So how about running two or more accounts on different platforms simultaneously?

But an expert VA team can manage, align and cross-promote all your socials with ease because they understand the working of different platforms and are equipped with the much needed social media marketing knowledge and skills.

Trend Research

You have to spend hours on trend research, and if you are always low on time, you’ll have next to no results on your posts and accounts. A competent social media virtual assistant can help expand your social reach by using your industry’s right trends, tags, and topics.

Researching And Developing Social Media Content

Content is the ace card you need to win the social media marketing game, but constantly coming up with unique and engaging content ideas is a hard nut to crack. A skilled VA can do the R&D part for your regular social posts and provide you unique, customized, and creative content.

Copywriting For Different Social Platforms

Visual content works better on social media, but written content is equally important, especially for platforms like Linkedin and Twitter. Well-researched and keyword-rich content can attract your audience and make your posts more relevant, and a social media virtual assistant has the tools and skills to do so.

Capitalizing Trends

Following the latest industry trends is an integral part of social media marketing, but it takes a lot of research, proficiency, and presence of mind to capitalize on trends. An ingenious social media virtual assistant always keeps an eye on industrial and global trends and can cash them instantly in favor of your business. And this is what they call moment marketing.

Campaign Management

A savvy social media VA can create, run, and manage various social media campaigns to grow your business. A VA can not just keep count of your paid ads but can also implement organic strategies to attract and nurture your leads through social media.


Many businesses get most of their leads through platforms like Facebook, and some small businesses even generate sales directly through social media. Such companies require a solid system to handle follow-ups. This follow-up process usually extends to emails, and some VA agencies can also help you with email marketing.

Competitor Analysis

Keeping an eye on your competitors is a healthy competition practice that many marketers follow. But if you are a solopreneur or a newbie, you may neither have the time nor the weapons to peek into your competitors’ marketing strategies. And this is another thing a savvy VA can do for you.

A/B Testing

A wise VA can test and try different things with your social media campaigns, post styles, content, and post frequency to give you what works best for your business, which can save plenty of your time.

Tracking And Reporting Vital Social Media Metrics

A tech-savvy VA can use all the latest tools to track the essential metrics like engagements, impressions, reach, and response rate to give you a 360-degree view of your social media marketing. Some VAs can also unfold those complicated reports for you and can even help formulate new strategies based on them.

Benefits of Hiring a Social Media Virtual Assistant

A social media virtual assistant can perform many tasks, but so can an in-house social media team. Or you can even do all of these yourself, right?

So why do you need to hire a VA? Many marketers often ask this same question, so here is how a social media virtual assistant can benefit your business.

Save Time

Planning, researching, and constantly creating fresh content for various socials can take up most of your time, the time that you could be utilizing on your core business activities. 

And hiring an in-house team is also a lengthy process compared to hiring a VA. Plus, you don’t have to give on-the-job training to a VA team as most of them are already experts in their fields. Moreover, hiring a VA will take you just a few minutes, and then you can start delegating work to them right away.

Save Cost

Hiring a virtual assistant for social media is way too cost-effective than hiring an in-house social media manager as you don’t have to spend on training and orientation of a VA. Also, you only have to pay for the hours they actually work for you, no paid leaves.

Increase Your Overall Business Productivity

You can reach your maximum productivity level with a VA as you can rebuild your workflow, eliminating those time-killing tasks and focusing more on doing what you love the most about your business. 

It can increase your productivity, and your whole company can yield better results as you’ll have more resources to aim right on the money.

Bottom Line

Now that you know what tasks a social media virtual assistant can do for you and how it can help in elevating your business, you must be ready to hire your VA team.

So if you are ready to level up your business with an exceptional social media virtual assistant, sign up on our website or book a free consultancy call with our social media expert to discuss your business.

FAQs About Social Media Virtual Assistant

A social media virtual assistant can do all the tasks of a regular social media manager with the skills of a marketer as a plus. A social media VA can create and write content for all the leading social channels, post, schedule, and engage with your audience. And also, analyze and report data to help in planning strategies for the social media marketing of your business.

According to a report, you can hire a VA for $8.65 to $29.52 per hour, depending on the geographical location and services.

A social media virtual assistant can

  • Design attractive and relevant posts for your Instagram story, feeds, reels, and IGTV
  • Post and schedule content to maintain consistency
  • Interact and engage with your followers in comments and DMs
  • Promote your product or services on instagram
  • Make a brand image and voice for your business
  • Find and target your potential customers
  • Gain followers and create brand awareness
  • Use the right tags and trends according to your niche and Instagram algorithms.

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